Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Did you know 1 in 5 American adults has genital herpes? I didn't...a Valtrex commercial told me. You can check it out too...http://www.valtrex.com/aboutherpes/howcommon_herpes.html says that a person who only has 1 partner can get herpes...true. But that doesn't seem to be dealing with the real problem.
Some actor dressed up like a doctor (or an actual doctor) goes on to say "It's because so few people know they're spreading it." If this guy is an actual doctor...well...we may as well just give up on health care tomorrow, because they're obviously not teaching anything in medical school anymore. Again...not dealing with the problem.
As far as I know and have read...herpes (HSV-2) didn't come from 1 man and women having an intimate relationship. Actually, most read implies that it comes from multiple partners having promiscuous sex. Maybe the problem isn't the disease...maybe it's our morals.


ryan said...

anyway that people can blame something, someone or some "unknown" to avoid personal responsibilty they (we) will do it.

i believe thats why abortion is an epedemic in the society we live in.

it's alot easier to kill off the consequence of one's action to then to abstain from desire.

Laura Maria said...

heyy. just thought to come by and say hi. i read your blog every now and then. yep. love the name by the way hahah :) take care.